Thursday, 7 July 2016

10 Reasons you are Sad, Single and Unmarried

Men need to enlighten the womenfolk on things they often do that make them to jilt the ladies. a wise lady would definitely want to read this article and
put her relationships with her man in good order to avoid the mistakes that can spell doom for her dream husband or the “Mr. Right”. So this article is a scanning of heart of man and major reasons they often change one lady after another and how you can avoid such ugly experience by avoiding the mistakes that their victims made.
Nobody’s perfect, but it seems there are some mistakes that have more dire consequences on your love relationship than others. Have you made any of these blunders?
1. The mistake of Changing the him
In real life, it is very difficult to change a young growing child, how much more an adult! It is very difficult to change a man in relationship, especially these that are in love. Many young ladies who had crush on a guy they have feelings for and were able to get to such guys’front and win their heart often fails when it comes to winning the battle within the guy of which they knew nothing of before hand, and when it happens this way, the world of such ladies seems to go into accelerated confusion.
Now not willing to quit, they would say “l will change him” i am going to make him a different person entirely. Watch out that is a costly mistake
There’s nothing that turns off a man like meeting a woman he’s trying to impress and then having her immediately try to turn him into her latest “project” that she’s going to fix. Maybe it’s criticizing the way he dresses, insulting his table manners, or ridiculing his appearance or grooming habits. Women have a way of doing that because they tend to be caretakers by nature but frankly, it usually doesn’t end well for either party, and it just feels bad all the way around. People want to be seen, heard and appreciated for who they are.
Never allow a man to pick wrong impression about you in the name that you want to change him. Some women have the habit of calling a friend’s attention or a third party to the altitude of their husband that they do not like. THIS IS TOTALLY WRONG
2. Feeling Like You’re A Failure In Relationships
When some people see that things aren’t working they become depressed. They start to feel as though they’re not love able, that destiny is against them or that they will always be a failure in love. The truth is that you’re not a failure. You simple have not yet been taught important truths about relationships. Once you learn and practice new ideas and methods, you’ll be able to handle your life in a way you may have never thought possible.
3. Hacking into email or phones
looking for suspicious messages and then yelling at him for the coded text he sent to his female co-worker or female generally.
4. Assumption
Believing Your Partner Should Read Your Mind, And Know What You Want Without Your “Communicating” Clearly.
“If he really loved me, he knows what I need and give it to me.” Many believe that if their partners really loved them, they would read their minds. It wouldn’t be necessary to have to actually ask for what they wanted. This is one of the most serious mistakes some females make in relationships. Without truthful, open, communication no relationship can flourish. Effective communication, however, can be a skill. And though you may feel that you have repeated yourself a thousand times.. There are available communication techniques which, in and of themselves, can save your relationship. Not only is it necessary to know what you want, and to ask for it clearly without assumption that you man should have known.
5. Not respecting his personal space.
If he’s in a bad mood or doesn’t feel like talking, leave him alone and let it be. Most guys don’t like to talk about their issues the way women do. Instead, they prefer to pull back and work things out internally. “No matter what I do I can’t get him to talk, and I do not believe he is sharing all of his honest feelings with me.” Many women claim they can’t get men to talk. When time comes for intimate conversation guys clam up. Women feel shut out and men feel misunderstood. However, there is something women don’t realize. Men want to talk. Under the right conditions, they’ll talk all night long. However, something else many don’t realize this, men are more fragile than women. In order for them to talk, things have to be right. All that’s needed here is to learn how to create the right conditions, what is necessary for a man to feel safe enough with you to talk.
6. Making the relationship your ultimate source of happiness
Women need to understand that relationship is a part of their life and not their entire life. Nothing suffocates a man more than a woman who relies on him for everything, has nothing going on for herself and is extremely needy. Some women cut off their friends and family as soon as they get into a relationship or meet them rarely, making their man the focus of their lives, thinking this will make your man happy, it won’t. Have a hobby, some passion, hang out with your friends with no strings attached and family, have a positive glow. Don’t be boring. Some men do no like women that are boring. Don’t be one of those girls who forgets her friends and her interests as soon as she has a man, it never ends well and makes you look needy.
7. Not taking care of yourself or letting yourself go.
It really is a shame to see how many women think it’s okay to stop working out and shaving their legs as soon as they’re in a relationship. If anything, you should feel more motivated to make the effort once things are more settled to keep the attraction alive and sexual energy buzzing. It is a common practice by some women, once they are in a long term relationship and they feel secure that the man is in it for the long run especially after marriage and kids, they let themselves go and feel there’s no need to shave your legs, arm pit, work out, wear nice outfits or look good just for your man, like you used to do in the beginning and during your courtship. Women defend this point by saying he should love me at my worst, for my natural look, hey!!! nobody’s asking you to look like Barbie 24/7 all that is being asked is to at least look clean, smell nice, be healthy be presentable. Remember, now that the relationship has been going on for quite some time it is more important to keep things feeling ‘sexy’ and refreshing.
8. Being aggressive and passive
Nothing drives men crazier than a woman being passive aggressive, when you clearly look upset but say ‘nothing’ when he asks what’s wrong. Don’t just say nothing and then continue being sad and weird expecting him to force you into telling him, this will only annoy him because men are more straightforward by nature and it just pisses them off when women act all dramatic about things. If it’s something he did then don’t go for the silent treatment, tell him what’s bothering you, have a discussion about it and if it’s something outside the relationship then let him help you by being your support. We all have bad days, it’s understandable. However, it’s in your best interest to try and be happy and positive. No one wants to hang around with a Negative Nancy. In general, we’re drawn to people who are happy and radiate a positive energy. Wake up with a smile, express gratitude, see the good in your life and in your relationship. This will not only help you in your relationships, but it will make your life better overall.
9. Love him not in the way that makes him feel loved.
As true as this is for men, even women tend to take their man for granted. Appreciate the things he is doing for you, focus on his good more than his bad. For example you have date night planned and he gets thirty minutes late but gets you flowers to make up for it and is all apologetic, but all you do is fight him for being late and ruin the date by being in a bad mood for the rest of the night. If he does something nice for you encourage him by being thankful instead of acting all snobby about it like it was his duty to act this way.
Everyone feels love differently. Most women feel loved when their man brings them a bouquet of flowers while this type of gesture would be meaningless to a guy. Guys have their own ways of feeling loved. It could be gifts, food, compliments, a cup of tea, or a massage at the end of a long day. Pay attention to how he responds to things to determine what makes him feel truly loved it should be obvious and try to do whatever it is as much as possible.
10. Over Possessive and Jealous over Your Man
Your over reaction when he talks to the opposite sex.
It is in the nature of a man to look at attractive women. If you just act jealous and flip out when he does, it shows us that you’re insecure. Being insecure is a very big turn off for guys. If you find that you’re constantly jealous when he’s around other women, you need to reevaluate some issues in this relationship. First, you need to build up your self-esteem. No man will want to cheat on a woman who’s confident in herself and secure in the relationship. You also need to evaluate the trust issues found in this relationship. More so, do you trust him or not? And finally, you need to see if he’s trying to make you jealous on purpose or that he is actually trying to cheat. If a man is trying to cheat, he WILL NEVER try to do it in front of you (at least no smart man will). That being said, if he’s talking to a woman in front of you, know that he’s probably just talking.
Jealousy is an unnecessary emotion, an unnecessary strain that people put on their minds. At the end of the day, if one wants to cheat, he will cheat regardless of the fact that you’re jealous or not. Acting jealous will only destroy a relationship, regardless of what the other person is doing. With that in mind, what’s the point of wasting precious energy on something like jealousy when you could be doing a lot more productive things that time.
You need to believe in yourself, you need to be sure that the person you’re with has absolutely no reason to cheat on you and if he does do it, then he’s the ONLY one losing out. If any guy cheats on you, it’s a sign telling you that the relationship was headed down the wrong path from the start, anyway. It wasn’t meant to be. The first thing on your mind should be, “Thank God this happened now!”
Got any relationship mistakes to add? Tell us about them by commenting below.

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